Moji Customizer Tool 🪄
Check out the Do It Your Way - Moji Customizer page if you need help. Ready to bring your own personal Moji magic to your merch? 🪄
Note: We are in beta mode and only have basic scrolling (no name search) capabilities for emoji in the design database - based on most recent input. We are working with our developers to add that functionality in the near future. If it is in the “Moji by Category” list (located on home page) then it is in our db - have patience when looking for a specific emoji (keep scrolling!). 😻
Thx for your support! 🙏

Express Yourself with EmojiIRL™
Take your emoji connections out of the digital world and into the real world - or IRL Explore the Moji Customizer to add your personal touch and make it uniquely yours!