The Moji Force in Your LIfe -  A Guide to Inspiration, Creativity, and Innovation

The Moji Force in Your LIfe - A Guide to Inspiration, Creativity, and Innovation

Hey there, fellow world changers! Today, I'd like take you on a journey through the heart and soul of what I call the Moji Force—a force that empowers us to cultivate inspiration, tap into our creativity, and drive innovation. But before we dig into the how-tos, let's rewind a bit and explore what fuels this force in each of us. ⛽

The Power of Inspiration 🎆
Inspiration is like a spark that ignites our imagination. It's the subtle whisper that motivates us to chase our dreams, no matter how colossal or humble they may be. It's the fuel that propels our passion and guides us toward creation. 💥

Personal Insight
I've always found inspiration in the most unexpected places. Growing up, my life was a whirlwind of foster homes, schools, and constantly changing environments. I didn't have a roadmap for life, but what I did have was the power of pop culture, music, art, and stories. These were my guiding stars, teaching me how to navigate life's twists and turns. 🌟


  1. Personal Inspiration Journal - Start your own inspiration journal to capture moments of inspiration from the things, moments, and/or people that inspire you.
  2. Reflecting on Role Models - Identify the people who have inspired you and celebrate their impact on your journey. These can be IRL peeps or characters from stories, or a mix of both. Whatever inspires you!

Nurturing Your Creative Spirit 🧠
Creativity is your unique gift—it's how you express yourself, use your imagination to solve problems, and add vibrant color to the world. It's a limitless tool that transforms your thoughts into reality. ⛏️

I've found that the more you use it, the more creatve you are. It is different for everyone, and you should never compare yourself to another, because we all have different gifts and different ways that they show up. But we can all tap into our creativity. It might just take a little practice and discomfort if it is something you are not used to doing. 🤔

Personal Journey
For me, books and music were not just sources of entertainment, they were vessels of emotional connection. I was moved by the power of stories, songs, and art to bring people together. Massive movements like LiveAid, FarmAid, and We Are the World rocked my world. These experiences showed me the incredible potential of song and story to unite humanity. And I remained fascinated with universal languages and experiences from childhood until now because of these experiences and others like it. 😍


  1. Creative Expression Challenge - Engage in creative activities that resonate with you, whether it's writing, art, or music. Anything that you identify with as creative. Then write about it in your inspiration journal. Or if you want to really focus in on creativity, start a journal or section dedicated to your creativity journal.
  2. Building a Creative Routine - Establish a creative routine to unlock your creative potential. Pick a regular day and time, block of time, and dedicate it to your creative pursuits. Don't forget to write about it, or at least take separate time to reflect. 

Driving Change thru Innovation 💡
Innovation is the path to creating positive change. It takes your creative ideas and transforms them into solutions that matter. It's about making a difference and leaving a lasting impact on the world, no matter how big or small that change is. Innovation is how we make incremental changes that, over time, make major improvements to the quality of our lives. 

Some people think we can only innovate things like medicine or technology. But we can innovate anything. It simply means to make some better, more valuable. If we have an innovative mindset, we can be a force for good in the area/s we love in life. 

Personal Experience
Throughout my career, I've been blessed to work with like-minded individuals who share a passion for innovative technologies and communication. My mind has always gravitated toward the question of how we can make things better. For a long time I thought that innovation could only relate to technology or other advanced fields. 

As I've met more and more people, had more and more mentors, and observed leaders from all walks of life, from countries all over the world, I have come to believe that we should embrace innovation more broadly as humans. We tend to want to make the world a better place as a universal ideal, so let's just embrace and celebrate that. We would be happier and more whole as people IMHO. 💛


  1. Problem-Solving Practice - Identify a problem in your community and brainstorm innovative solutions. Write them down and catalog your process.
  2. Innovate in Small Steps - Start small with innovative ideas and build upon them; every step counts. The thing about your personal ideas is that you can play and experiment and enjoy creating and innovating. Let the process inspire you, and over time you will learn about yourself, discover new community, make change, or rule out things you don't want. And grow through it all. 

Synergy of the Moji Force 🌪️
So, how did I begin my journey with the Moji Force? I could say that in a sense I've used it much of my life without having a name or process for it. But in this particular iteration, it all started as a simple art therapy and creative journaling exercise, a way to work through some severe trauma and burn out. And now, it's evolved into something more profound—Emoji Expression. 🤩

Share the Evolution
Emoji Expression is more than just an exercise; it's become a part of my everyday life. It's a testament to the transformative power of inspiration, creativity, and innovation combined. 🧬

Your Invitation
Now, I invite you to start your own Moji Force journey. Explore the possibilities that lay within your sphere of inspiration, creativity, and innovation. Unleash the Moji Force in you and discover how it can make a difference in your world. 🌎

We all carry a universal desire—a yearning to make a difference. While impacting the entire planet may seem daunting, remember that you can create significant ripples of change in 'your world'—your community, your neighborhood, your sphere of influence. Happy journeys! 🌟


Char sig

Chief Moji Muser and EmojiIRL Creator
#emojiexpression #emojiIRL #getyourmojion #youmatter #writeyourownstory


Additional reading: 

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