From Surviving to Healing - Honoring RAINN Day (Moji Musings)

From Surviving to Healing - Honoring RAINN Day (Moji Musings)

Trigger Warning: This post explores themes of sexual assault. ⚠️

Today is RAINN Day, a time to honor the courage of survivors and offer support on the complex journey of healing from sexual assault. While the #MeToo movement has brought this issue into the light, we must never become jaded or stop listening when people share their own story. Every story matters, and every survivor deserves validation and the safe space to heal. 💔

I understand the deep pain of sexual assault. It's a wound that can feel impossible to overcome. But I want you to know that healing, while never easy, is completely possible. You are not broken, and you are not alone. ❤️‍🩹

Acknowledge the Pain 😭
It is really important to not shy away from the hurt, the anger, and the self-doubt. It's all part of the process. It can be tempting to push down your feelings to survive and cope... but that is not a sustainable, long-term strategy. Let yourself feel the emotions, as hard as they are. There is no shame in your struggle. 😞🩹

The Power of Resilience 💪
If and when it feels like darkness is winning, there's a flicker of strength within you. You are a survivor. Reach out for help is what will help you move forward. Whether it's reaching out to RAINN (or other similar organizations), finding a therapy or peer support group, or seeing a mental health professiona, asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness, but of immense courage. 🙌

via GIPHY 

Finding Your Voice 🗣️
Finding ways to express your experience can be incredibly empowering on your healing journey. Sharing your story, in whatever way feels right for you, can break the chains of shame and isolation. Talk to a trusted friend, write in a journal, express yourself through art, or find an online community where you feel safe. Perhaps a combination of these things. Just remember that you matter and your voice matters - regardless of when and how you share your story.  It could be something you talk about publicly, within a safe community, or just with your therapist—your voice, your choice. 📢

The Healing Journey 
There is no single "right" way to heal. It is your journey, and your timeline. Here are some ways to cope and deal with your emotions:

  • Journaling - Write down your thoughts and feelings, without judgment. Doodling and creative journaling can also be healing. 📖💻📱
  • Creative Expression - Draw, paint, dance, or write poetry – let your emotions flow through a creative outlet. 🎨🩰✍️
  • Healing Music - Create a playlist of songs that soothe, uplift, or simply make you feel understood. 🎧🎷🎶
  • Physical Exercise - Run, walk, swim, go to the gym, or do whatever keeps your body moving and in touch with your physical being. 🏋️🏊🚶‍♀️
  • Nature's Embrace - Spend time outside, breathe fresh air, let the sunlight touch your skin. 🌳🏖️🌺

Rediscovering Joy 🔎🌈
Feeling joy, laughing again, enjoying life might seem like a distant dream, but it is possible. Taking action, even when you might not feel like it, to participate in positive, happy things, will help you to move forward. Allow yourself moments of laughter, spend time with loved ones who make you smile, and find things that spark even a flicker of happiness. 😊

My Own Journey ✨  
It was through my own struggle with grief, PTSD, and CPTSD (which includes a history of sexual assault) that I discovered the healing power of creative journaling. In conjunction with therapy and peer group support, I was able to move through my pain and suffering which I had bottled up for years until it was triggered by new trauma. It didn't happen overnight, but as I began to work through my trauma, new and old, I began to find my voice again. Over time, this led me to start creative journaling on Instagram and ultimately launching Emoji Expression. 🚀

While crafting today's Emoji-A-Day post on RAINN Day and International Moment of Laughter Day, I felt it was important to dig deeper into this subject... hence, this post. (The Emoji-A-Day project is a daily post that combines 2-3 awareness day topics into a theme that aimes to be inspirational and creative.) You can find the full post on our Moji Mosaic blog on our site and listen to our Survive to Thrive Playlist for a soundtrack that supports your healing journey. 💖🎵

Healing Journey 🗺️
Healing is a process, not a destination. There will be setbacks, but also many triumphs. If you, or someone you care about, are struggling, know that there is professional support available. If you or someone you love needs help, RAINN is an exceptional resource. Call their confidential hotline at 800.656.HOPE or visit their website for support and resources. You are not alone. 💗

Recovery from sexual assault is very complex. What works for one person may not work for another. This post is meant to offer encouragement, but if you are a survivor who need help, please reach out for professional support to guide you on your unique healing journey. You are worth it. ✊ XO 

Yours in thriving,

Char personal sig with heart

Chief Moji Muser and EmojiIRL Creator
#emojiexpression #emojiIRL #getyourmojion #youmatter #writeyourownstory

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