Finding My Voice Again - A Story of Healing and Expression on Speak Up and Succeed Day (Moji Musings)

Finding My Voice Again - A Story of Healing and Expression on Speak Up and Succeed Day (Moji Musings)

Today is Speak Up and Succeed Day, a day I adore for a couple of reasons. First, as a communications expert, I always love days that celebrate using one's voice! But more now than ever, after losing my voice, it is more precious to me than ever. 💖

So today, I want to share a story close to my heart - my journey of losing my voice, finding it again through unexpected channels, and re-discovering the power of self-expression. It's been a pretty crazy and wild ride! 🎢

From Words to Emoji - An Unexpected Shift
In the fall of 2022, I stumbled upon an Adobe study about emoji, completely changing my perspective on these little picture icons. I, a self-proclaimed word purist, found myself utterly fascinated by their ability to transcend language barriers and express emotions universally. (Spend any time on this site and you will discover my lifetime fascination with universal languages.) This ignited a spark, and soon, I couldn't stop thinking about emoji. I have always thought in music lyrics, but to think in music lyrics and emoji... what a trip! 🏎️

Trauma, Healing, and the Birth of Emoji Expression
Life hadn't been easy. In 2015, I faced a series of back-to-back traumas, that left me diagnosed with PTSD and eventually CPTSD. The years that followed were filled with grief, toxic situations, and after I empty-nested, a major struggle to find my identity. (If I wasn't a mom and provider, who was I?) But amidst the darkness, a light emerged – art therapy. Hesitant at first, I dipped my toes into the digital moji pop art, using emoji to create gifts for my family. It was like unlocking a hidden door – a safe space for expression, a way to process trauma without words. I just couldn't stop! 🤣😂

More Than Just Emoji - A Mission to Empower Others
As I healed, my creativity blossomed. I've always written and created. I work in communications and build stories, presentations, campaigns, experiences, and innovate whatever needs to be created. But for years, in my own life, I had been blank. Frozen. I couldn't write. I could list and doodle. My journals were filled with lists and doodles, but I had stopped writing. Suddenly, stories, ideas, and creativity were constant. I didn't want to sleep. I still struggle with that now - I'm so excited by what's going on in my mind. So I just went with it. I journaled, created art, explored my mind, and started to process all the trauma that I'd been locked in. 👩‍🎨

And as I healed, I started to rebuild myself. To find who I was as a person, not as a mother and a single provider for a family. But as a real person. I learned about boundaries and that I was a terrible people pleaser. I learned how to speak up for myself. And connected the dots on some very basic things that I never had done my whole like. My desire to want to help everyone else, needed to start with myself me first. And for the first time in my life, I just focused on myself. 🌻

A Mission to Help Others
In the end, I cannot help myself, I always think of what I'm learning and how I can help others. Perhaps it is a human trait that universally compels us to share with the community. Or perhaps it is a universal desire many of us share to make the world better in some way. It could just be more ego-centric and we all just want to leave a little piece of ourselves. I don't know, but I do know that I cannot stop thinking about sharing my voice. 🌞

And that is  kinda where emoji come in. Emoji are communication tools, powerful, powerful tools. And they can be used with technology for healing, connection, and breaking down communication barriers. I'm still working my way through... but I'm doing that by just doing! By creating. And over time it is becoming clearer. But it is still very much a project in formation, being shaped as I write and talk about it. ✍️🗣️

But at least I started. 🙌

Facing Doubts and Embracing My Path
Some questioned my choice of using Open Moji, an "unpolished" and unknown set of emoji compared to mainstream options. But they had a Creative Commons licence and more importantly, for me, they represented the everyday person, and the students and teachers who created them. Open Moji emoji resonated with my values of open source and inclusivity. It wasn't about perfection - it was about authenticity and empowerment. And they have a pretty cool and unique look too! 🤩

From Trauma to Triumph - Message of Hope
Today, on Speak Up and Succeed Day, I stand here, a testament to the power of self-expression. My journey wasn't easy, but it taught me some super valuable lessons:

  • It's never too late to find your voice. Whether you lost it, never used it, or are afraid, take that first step. 👣
  • Embrace unconventional paths. Sometimes, the most unexpected channels can lead to healing and growth. 💗
  • Technology is a tool for good. Use it to empower yourself and others, to break down barriers and build bridges. 🌉

Join me on this Journey!
This is just the beginning. I have endless ideas, a passion for open communication, and a deep belief in the power of emoji. Explore the possibilities of emoji, empower yourself and others, and make the world a more expressive, connected place. I hope reading my journey (still in motion) inspires you to explore your own voice or encourages you to take the next step in your own journey. I believe in you! 🌟

What are your thoughts on self-expression and using your voice? Share your story in the comments below!


Get Your Moji On!

Char personal sig with heart

Chief Moji Muser and EmojiIRL Creator
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P.S. Check out our NEW Emoji-A-Day blog where we share a featured emoji everyday, highlight awarenss days, share moji challenge prompts, inspiration quotes, playlists and trivia and other little emoji-fied goodies!

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Light Bulb Moji filled with variety of Open Moji emojis -All emojis designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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