Embracing Openness - Love Letter to Open Source Ideals šŸ’Œ

Embracing Openness - Love Letter to Open Source Ideals šŸ’Œ

My fascination with the ideals of open source has been a driving force in my tech journey - even before I grasped the concepts behind "open" and "open source." This love story extends far beyond lines of code; it embraces the very essence of freedom, equality, and prosperity.

As IĀ worked deeper and deeper in the world of open communications and the idea of universal access to information via the Internet, I became enamored with the value of "open" long before I entered the tech world. Perhaps it truly all began when I was a kid, watching Star Trek TNG and feeling like I was born a few centuries too early. But that's a story for another day.

This is a topic I'll explore further over time, so let's dig into some super introductory thoughts on what "open" means - to me anyhow. This is something that can be a hot topic to open enthusiasts, so let me be clear, these are my thoughts and ideas.Ā 

I'm a communications professional, not an engineer. I've been in tech for over 25 years, but to many, not being an engineer matters. So it must be stated that these are my thoughts and ideas,Ā mixed with experience and some expertise in the field of tech communications - just not engineering specifically.

Open Source - Foundation of Freedom and Equality
Open source is more than just a philosophy; it's a way of life. It underpins many tech principles and ideas that have shaped our digital world, and of course spill over into the physical world. The very software that powers our devices and theĀ Internet thrives on open principles.

It's a force for good that unites creators and users, fosters innovation, and promotes transparency. In the spirit of open source, we create not just for profit but for progress and collaboration. I believe that open source ideals, open knowledge, and open communication form the bedrock of a better, more inclusive digital world.

Then there are the many organizations that are built on open source ideas - bringing open access to knowledge and information to people. These organizations bring deep value to the world.

Wikipedia - Beacon of Open Knowledge
Let's start with a digital haven that many of us frequently visit ā€“ Wikipedia. I'm there many times a week! While I may not rely on it for hardcore research, I deeply admire this vast repository of human knowledge, carefully crafted and maintained by dedicated volunteers worldwide. It's a testament to the power of open collaboration and the sheer passion for sharing knowledge.

It's a beautiful concept to envision volunteers, at any time of day, anywhere in the world, creating, editing, and maintaining this enormous library of knowledge, accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Regardless of who you are, where you come from, or how much money you have, you can access information contributed by people who dedicate their free time to curate it. This would have been unimaginable in our history just 100 years ago, and in some parts of the world, it remains forbidden. Such privilege!

It's not without flaws, what human endeavor is without flaw?Ā  But the Wikipedia Foundation and its editors work diligently to curate high-quality content and establish standards to enhance the quality, citations, and materialon an ongoing basis. I encourage anyone who really values knowledge and freedom of information to learn more about Wikipedia and their mission. If you love to contribute, write, edit, or collaborate knowledge, consider becoming a Wikipedian.Ā (They have great events!)

I proudly support this noble cause through frequent donations. If you believe in a cause, contributing in any way possible is a step towards making the world a better place. I encourage you to contemplate supporting causes you hold dear, especially those run by volunteers or stipend-paid staff. They are invaluable resources the world depends on.

Creative Commons - Championing Creativity and Knowledge Sharing
Enter Creative Commons, a licensing frameworkĀ  that also deeply resonates with me. It champions the idea that knowledge and creativity should be freely accessible to all, emphasizing the removal of barriers and embracing the collaborative spirit of the internet.

By selecting Creative Commons licenses that permit others to use, remix, and distribute their creative content while respecting copyright, we empower widespread sharing and adaptation of creative works. It serves as a reminder that the internet was designed to break down walls, democratize access to information and culture, and not build new paywalls or impose barriers.

CC licenses enable creators to share their work broadly while facilitating a more equitable and accessible digital landscape. We understand that building upon open sources is essential for monetization and livelihood, but there are open and equitable ways to do it, as exemplified by Google's approach with Android and most tech software.

The Digital Divide - A Growing Chasm
Speaking of paywalls, the Digital Divide is an alarming reality the world will have to confront at some point. As knowledge and resources become increasingly locked behind paywalls, the gap between the information-rich and information-poor widens. This growing chasm contradicts the core promise of the internet ā€“ a level playing field.

Openness represents a crucial part of the solution to bridge this divide, driving equitable access and opportunities for everyone, regardless of their background or resources.

My involvement with the Digital Divide dates back to 2008, primarily during myĀ  (mostly stealth) startup work. For over a decade, I wrote, presented, and spoke about it behind closed doors, only to discover that most people hadn't heard of it, considering it primarily academic. It's only been in recent years that I've witnessed some traction. This was a source of frustration, but it wasn't my primary focus.Ā 

Watching the pandemic accelerate the digital transformation of the world, witnessing more paywalls emerge, individuals amassing great wealth through digital means while others got left way behind, and the proliferation of dis- and mis-information, all underscore the importance of this issue.Ā 

Our tools are only as good as the peopleĀ using them put them to use. Open principles are great, but if we aren't truly working together to solve problems that benefit the world at large, the Digital Divide will continue to grow, and we will have a new top and bottom set of numbers to concern ourselves with.

The Power of Emoji - Uniting through Expression
Finally, let's introduce the magic of emoji ā€“ a universal language transcending barriers and borders, speaking directly to the heart. EmojiĀ are not merely a fun addition to our digital conversations and content (and real-world life too!); they are a tool for self-expression and connection.

This passion drives my commitment to the Emoji Expression project, serving as my laboratory of ideas and a platform to promote tech for good, open principles, and self-expression. Through emoji, we can bridge gaps, foster understanding, and build tools harnessing the power of visual communication and connection. We do this using open source platforms (the Internet, social media, etc.) and open ideals (progress, constant improvement, and community betterment through collaboration).

If these open source ideals resonate with you or if this is your first timeĀ learning aboutĀ open source, I'm eager to hear your thoughts. Have you ever encountered the concept of the digital divide, and do you want to explore it further? Whether you're a passionate advocate of open source or a newcomer, let's start the conversation and together, we can continue to champion openness, equality, and innovation.

Further reading:


Char personal sig with heart

Chief Moji Muser and EmojiIRLā„¢Ā Creator
#emojiexpression #emojiIRL #getyourmojion

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Light Bulb Moji filled with variety of Open Moji emojis -All emojis designed by OpenMoji ā€“ the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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