The Evolution of Color - Crayons and Trans Voices  🏳️‍⚧️🖍️ (Moji Musings)

The Evolution of Color - Crayons and Trans Voices 🏳️‍⚧️🖍️ (Moji Musings)

Did you know the original Crayola box only had eight basic colors? Today, there are shades like "Razzmatazz," "Fuzzy Wuzzy," and "Tickle Me Pink." Just as the crayon palette has exploded into a spectrum of possibilities, our understanding of identity, including gender identity, and self-expression has evolved far beyond the limitations of "traditional" color ideas such as blue for boys and pink for girls. 🖍️

Do you recall what it felt like to open a fresh box of crayons? That burst of color holds the promise of infinite possibilities. As children, we instinctively used those crayons to express ourselves – scribbling, coloring, creating our own little worlds on paper. 🎨✨

Somewhere along the way, some of us may have felt confined by those lines – told things like "the sky MUST be blue," or maybe pressured to stick to certain colors because "that's the way it's always been done" or "that's the 'right' way." But the truth is, colors are meant to be explored, mixed, and celebrated! Just like the world of color has expanded (thank you Pantone, amongst countless others), so too has our understanding of the beautiful spectrum of human identities. 💖🌈

Beyond the Basic Eight 🎨
There were limitations of that classic eight-pack of primary colors, and many of us had to be creative to color as we wanted. They were a start, but I can remember the thrill of finally upgrading to a 64-pack... and even eyeing the 120 pack as it came out, thinking "if only I had that as a child!" Suddenly, you weren't just coloring; you were creating. You could create oceans that shimmered turquoise and teal with colorful creatures and finding just the right colors (with cool names!) to capture pure delight. It felt like color freedom! It changed the whole experience. 🎉✨

Jellyfishing 🌊
A few years ago, I read an article that mentioned a fascinating concept called "jellyfishing" that speaks to the fluidity of identity and how some people fluidly adapt their behavior to fit different social settings. Lobsterbird, who explores these ideas beautifully, shared this: "... I unconsciously used my amorphous and fluid beingness to adapt to wherever I was and whoever I was with. I was able to go places and cross boundaries that otherwise might not have been available to me." 🐙➡️➡️➡️ 

I never felt so seen! 👀

Many of us have experienced something similar, feeling pressured to conform or dim our true colors to fit infrom wearing something other than what we loved, or not speaking up about our ideas, or from being afraid to live our authentic self. This can be an act of survival, even unconscious, but over time, it can chip away at our spirit. 😔➡️💪

Discovering Our Colors 💖
Lobsterbird then shared these words: "You can be stationary and fixed in your identity. You can be fluid and changing. ...If gender is a line you can cross, you can cross it in any way you like, including dancing on top of it."

This hit me with a paradigm-shifting realization; it opened up a sense of freedom and possibility of what it means to be a human.🤯➡️🎉

We rarely question personal growth and evolving our ideas about what it means to wiser, kinder, more empathetic, more cautious, or able to navigate personal relationships better. But we put a strangehold on self-expression - and specifically on gender identity. 😮

Discovering and expressing our colors, or other aspects of our human identity, offers a sense of liberation and joy. When we are free to just be ourselves life is just better. We shed those old expectations and embrace the nuanced humans we are. Whether through our clothes, our words, or simply the way we move through the world, self-expression is an act of creation. 🌈➡️➡️➡️

Dates in Color 📅
These dates illustrate the evolving world of color... and the ongoing journey towards understanding gender identity

    • 1903: The Crayola crayon is born! The initial palette is limited to basic primary and secondary colors, but the potential for creativity is boundless. 🖍️➡️🎨
    • 1958: The term "transgender" is first used in a medical context, marking a step towards defining the experiences of many.
    • 1999: The transgender flag is created, offering a powerful symbol of identity and pride. 🏳️‍⚧️
    • 2008: The Crayola 64-pack hits shelves, now including shades like "Wild Strawberry" and "Goldenrod."  🌈➡️🌎
    • 2019: Growing awareness of non-binary identities leads to broader discussions of gender beyond the binary. 🔎
    • 2024: Hannah Gadsby hosts Gender Agenda on Netflix to humanize queer and transgender people.📺💻📱  
    • 2024: Amidst a time of political weaponization of identity, the Internet and social media empower brave individuals to connect, find community, and drive the conversations needed for change.🔗

Happiness is a Full Palette 💖
Exploring and discovering the colors we love – whether on paper or within ourselves – is a beautiful, natural process. It's about self-expression, joy, and the freedom to be exactly who we are. And just like adding new crayons to your collection brings excitement and possibility, expanding our understanding of identity enriches the world for everyone. 💖➡️🌎

Celebrate the Spectrum of Human Experience 🙏
Each of us has a unique journey with gender identity, and it's important to honor and respect those experiences. For those who resonate with the concept of "jellyfishing," and seek further exploration, you can find the full article by Lobsterbird here: Taste The Rainbow 🌈

The Power of Universal Languages 🌎
The desire for self-expression lies at the heart of what makes us human. That's why I am so passionate about exploring universal languages like color, storytelling, music, art, and even emoji! They connect us through shared human experiences, yet allow us to express our individuality in beautiful, unique ways. When we understand and respect each other's authentic selves, we create space for genuine connection and collaboration on real world problems that need solutions. This fuels my work with Emoji Expression and my belief that we are all everyday leaders with a desire to make a difference in the world. 🗣️➡️🤝

It's Your Turn to Color the World More Colorful and Free! 🌈
We all have the power to make our world more colorful and free simply by letting our true colors shine and honoring others who are authentically themselves. How are YOU expressing your authentic self and making your corner of the world a more beautiful, accepting place? 🗺️

In Living Color,

Char personal sig with heart

Chief Moji Muser and EmojiIRL Creator
#emojiexpression #emojiIRL #getyourmojion #youmatter #writeyourownstory

P. S. Did you enjoy exploring the evolution of color and identity in this post? Check out our Emoji-A-Day post "The Joy of Color🌈 - Celebrating Self-Expression 🖍️🏳️‍⚧️ (Emoji-A-Day)✨" with fun trivia and Color Me Free Spotify playlist! #EmojiADay

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