The Day I Learned the Real Customer Service Secret - Hint: It Wasn't About the Drink (Moji Musing)

The Day I Learned the Real Customer Service Secret - Hint: It Wasn't About the Drink (Moji Musing)

Ah, Rax Restaurant, my first "official" teenage job. Land of salad bar dreams and sticky floors, forever etched in my memory not just for its special sauce and tasty sandwiches, but for a customer service lesson that still resonates over 30 years later. 🥪

We all have those formative moments - experiences that burn themselves into our memory, shaping our views and guiding our future. I was 16, brimming with all the confidence (and, as I now cringe to admit, naivete) that comes with youth. A group of six folks – three couples, elderly and kind – shuffled in, eager for a sandwich and salad bar feast. I meticulously crafted their drink order, a selection of different sodas and iced tea, feeling pleased with my precision at how I put together the order. 🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤

Then, the hammer dropped. One kind lady claimed a beverage was missing. Now, I'm a stickler for accuracy. That order was checked and rechecked with hawk-like precision. My teenage self puffed up, launching into a self-righteous defense, denying the claim with unwavering certainty. It wasn't rude, oh no, just firm, unwavering determination that they were wrong. (Cue the cringe. I still shudder at the memory of my ego balloon inflating.) But, back to the story - it's a good one! 🫨

My manager, a man with wisdom beyond his years (and the patience of a saint), witnessed the exchange. His face remained neutral, a masterclass in composure, as he sent me, the overconfident teen, to "sort it out." Of course, my stellar memory proved correct. But as I marched back, smugness radiating like microwaved popcorn, the tables turned. 😏

My manager, calm and gentle, laid it all bare. He didn't care about who was right or wrong about the drink. It was the experience. They might never return, he said, their perception of this happy place, and even me, forever tarnished by a simple misunderstanding, handled poorly. The smile drained from my face, replaced by a cold wave of realization. 😳

It wasn't about the missing drink. It was about seeing, truly seeing, the people behind the orders. It was about understanding that sometimes, a smile and a "sorry" are worth more than a thousand perfect transactions or, in my case, being right about the damn drink order. It was about recognizing that microaggressions, like pebbles in a pond, can create tidal waves of negativity. 😲

What had seemed like a trivial mistake now felt like a large, heavy weight, a monumental burden due to my own stubbornness. I understood that the "customer is always right" wasn't just a catchphrase; it was about a fundamental human need – to be seen, heard, and valued because when they aren't, there are consequences that can have long lasting effects. 🗿

That day, behind the counter at Rax, I learned a lesson that It's not about being right, but about putting yourself in another's shoes, truly listening, and striving to understand their position. A friendly smile, a sincere apology, a willingness to go the extra mile – these seemingly small gestures hold immense power. 🔋

Fast forward thirty years. That Rax lesson still shimmers in my mosaic of life. It has become a sort of cornerstone in my life—empathy trumps ego. People are at the heart of everything I do. Whether it's designing Moji Pop Art, crafting communications for clients, or simply interacting with folks at the grocery store (or anywhere in life), finding the best tools and methods to see, hear, and connect with them is my ultimate goal. Because I know that people yearn to be seen, heard, and valued. A smile, a kind word, a moment of genuine connection – these are the bridges that span the gap between us, the threads that weave the tapestry of belonging. 🖇️

And that's why Moji (emoji) matter. They are not just cute little pictures or icons—they are empathy bridges, universal languages expressing emotions that transcend words. They help us connect across cultures, ages, and experiences, reminding us that we are all part of the same human mosaic. 🗺️

The next time you face a frustrated customer, a confused client, or even a grumpy stranger, remember the missing drink and the 16-year-old me. Take a breath, listen with your heart, and offer a smile instead. It's in these small moments that we build a world where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. 💗

Actionable Tips for Putting Empathy into Practice

  • Listen actively - Put away your phone, silence your inner voice, and truly hear what the other person is saying. 👂🦻
  • Acknowledge their feelings - Validate their emotions, even if you disagree with their perspective. 👍
  • Ask clarifying questions - Seek to understand, not just respond. ❔
  • Offer solutions, not excuses - Focus on finding a positive outcome, even if it means going the extra mile. 🛣️
  • Be humble and authentic - Own up to mistakes, apologize sincerely, and learn from your interactions. 🙏

I believe we can make the world a more empathetic place, one drink order (or grocery checkout) at a time. By stepping outside ourselves and truly connecting with others, we can build stronger relationships, happier communities, and a mosaic of lives woven together with respect and understanding. 🌈✌️❤️🕊️😊☮️🖖

Do you have a similiar experience? Maybe you were the ego-driven, angsty teen or perhaps you were the person on the other side who received the bad experience and vowed to not deliver that to others. Share your own stories of empathy and connection in the comments below! 📢


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Char personal sig with heart

Chief Moji Muser and EmojiIRL Creator
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