Mindfulness, Creativity, and Self-Care - Lessons from the Lotus Plant 🪷

Mindfulness, Creativity, and Self-Care - Lessons from the Lotus Plant 🪷

Once upon a time, there was a tender young lotus plant 🪷 that lived in quite a dirty and murky pond. The pond was filled with debris and contaminants that made it difficult for the lotus plant to thrive. It was not the best environment! Despite this, the lotus plant was determined to grow. It kept stretching its leaves towards the sun and absorbing as much light as it could.

One day, a wise frog 🐸 visited the pond and saw the struggling lotus plant. The frog recognized the potential of the lotus plant, and also knew that it needed to protect itself from the harsh environment of the pond. The frog suggested that the lotus plant focus develop a personal safety strategy so that it could focus on it's growth. 

The lotus plant took the frog's advice to heart began to think about different ways it should tackle this sage advice. She brainstormed and played with various ideas. She ideated many different thoughts, tossing countless ones out and starting over again and again. But she did not give up! She thought of many ways that she might fight her way free of the muck and filth or filter it through her system! But she would never really feel safe. Until one day, the perfect idea came to her!

Maybe there was a way she could prevent the icky stuff from every reaching her! What a grand dream that would be! So she set about dreaming of a unique surface structure that could repel water and any contaminants that dare to touch her!

Over time she began to grow tiny bumps on her leaves. These prevented water droplets from sticking to the surface. Instead, they caused the water droplets to formed small beads and rolled off her surface, taking with them any dirt or contaminants that were present.

As the lotus plant grew stronger and more resilient 💪, she began to share her wisdom with the other plants in the pond. She encouraged them to focus on their own growth and wellbeing, and to develop their own unique structures to protect themselves from the harsh environment of the pond. Good news traveled fast!

One day, a group of ducks visited the pond and were amazed at the beauty of the lotus plant. They asked the lotus plant how she was able to thrive in such a challenging environment. The lotus plant smiled and explained that her journey has not been an easy one. She had learned to focus on her own growth and wellbeing. And then she shared her story of resilience and how she had to develop a unique structure that allowed it to repel water and contaminants.

The ducks 🦆 were inspired by the lotus plant's wisdom and began to focus on their own growth and wellbeing. They were so moved by her strength and her story, that they began to explore their own unique talents and abilities (like having waterproof feathers and never getting wet!). Jasmine got over her fear of diving in cold water and Davy started taking trips to forest stream he'd always dreamed!

As time went on, the pond became a vibrant and thriving ecosystem, filled with plants and animals that were strong, resilient, and creatively inspired. The lotus plant continued to stand tall, a symbol of the power of mindfulness, self-care, and creative expression that could withstand and thrive in even the most challenging environments. 🪷 

This is a fictional story. Any resemblance to real people, places, or events is purely coincidental.

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