Have you ever stared at your phone screen,and really wished there was an emoji to capture an expression or feeling? A triumphant swipe right? Showing solidarity in tune with a metphorically raised lighter? A cup of coffee that screams, "Don't even THINK about talking to me before 10 am?" ☕
Well, fret no more. You're not alone in your emoji cravings, and guess what? You, yes YOU, hold the key to making your emoji dreams a reality. 🗝️
That's right, the world of emoji isn't some cushy throne room guarded by tech wizards cackling over secret codes. 🧙 It's open to everyone! Its a bustling democracy, overseen by the Unicode Consortium, where your brilliant idea has just as much chance to light up screens worldwide as the next person's. 💯
You might be wondering, "where do I even begin? How do I navigate the labyrinthine corridors of emoji HQ (aka the digital halls of the Unicode Consortium) and emerge victorious with my swiping right masterpiece?" Let's take a digital walkabout on the practical-and-not-so-magical journey through the emoji creation process, armed with the secret ingredient: you. 🫵
⚀ Step 1 - Spark Your Emoji Flame 🔥
First things first, let that spark of inspiration ignite! Is it a cultural icon you adore? A hilarious inside joke with your besties? Maybe a symbol for a cause you champion? Whatever it is, capture it! Sketch it, write it down, unleash your inner emoji Picasso. Every emoji starts with a seed, and yours is about to bloom. 🌱
⚁ Step 2 - The Magic Doorway of Emoji HQ 🚪
Next, head over to the Unicode Consortium website, the official emoji palace. There, tucked away amongst all the techie mumbo jumbo (and it can seem a alot if you aren't used to it!), you'll find a
emoji guidelines portal to your dreams - the emoji proposal form. This, my friend, is your magic door to emoji land. Fill it out with your idea, let your passion shine through, and boom, you're officially in the running! 🤩
⚂ Step 3 - Why Rules Rock (Seriously!) 🙌
Hold on, though, there's a twist. Just like any good club, the emoji world has its own set of rules. Don't worry, they're not here to crush your creativity, but to make sure everyone can understand and use these tiny picture symbols of expression. 🤔
Think about it. If every emoji looked like a Rorschach test, we'd be spending more time deciphering than expressing ourselves. So, things like clarity, consistency, and inclusivity are key. And guess what? These rules make sure EVERYONE can use and understand emojis, regardless of ability or background. Pretty cool, right? 😎
⚃ Step 4 - Community: The Emoji Superpower 🦸♀️
The real secret sauce in the emoji universe isn't about tech wizards in labs or suits at a table. It's a global conversation where EVERYONE has a voice! Linguists, designers, techies, young to older generations, artists, engineers, even everyday folks like you and me, all play a part in shaping the future of emoji. 🫶
So, don't be shy! 🤭
Share your ideas, vote on proposals, join the online discussions. The more voices we hear, the richer and more meaningful our emoji world becomes. It really isn't just about "me and my emoji," it's about "we and our shared language of expression." 🗣️💬
⚄ Step 5 - From Dream to Thumbs Up 🌈👍
And the most magical part? If your emoji idea strikes a chord with the UC Emoji Subcommittee, it could become a reality! Imagine the thrill of seeing your creation light up screens across the globe, connecting people in a whole new way. 🤯
The Takeaway - Let Your Inner Emoji Whisperer Speak Up! 📢
The next time you have an emoji craving that just won't let go, remember that you have options! There is a path to emoji creation available to you with dedicated work and following the process! It's a story of collaboration, creativity, and the power of human connection. And who knows, maybe your next emoji masterpiece is just waiting to be born! 💥
Invite your inner emoji whisperer to step out, let your imagination run wild, and speak up and share your ideas. After all, we're all in this together, shaping the future of expression one tiny picture symbol at a time. 🌅
Ready, Set, Onward!🚵
Ready to make your emoji dream a reality? Head over to the Unicode Consortium website and check out what it takes to get started. It's not for the feint of heart, but we believe in you! And hey, if you need help crafting your proposal, or just want to chat about all things emoji, hit me up in the comments below. Together, let's make the emoji world a place where everyone feels seen, heard, and expressed!
Yours in inspiration, creativity, and innovation,

Chief Moji Muser and EmojiIRL™ Creator
#emojiexpression #emojiIRL #getyourmojion
Additional reading: