Emoji - The Superheroes of Digital Communication

Emoji - The Superheroes of Digital Communication

Once upon a time, in the early days of the Internet, people communicated using text. But it was hard to convey emotions and tone, and so the first evolution of digital communication was born - emoticons! These humble little symbols, made from simple punctuation marks and letters, allowed people to express their feelings in new and exciting ways. But they were limited and couldn't convey the full range of human emotions.

But then, a new evolution emerged - Emoji! They were created by Shigetaka Kurita, a Japanese artist and designer who was working for a telecom company in the late 1990s. Kurita was tasked with designing a set of pictographic characters that could be used on their mobile phones, and so he created a set of 176 emoji. These were more than just symbols - they were characters, with the ability to express complex emotions and convey meaning beyond words.

Emoji's powers grew with every passing day, as more and more people started using them to communicate. They became a universal language, understood by people all around the world. And the more people used them, the stronger Emoji became.

But with great power came great responsibility. Emoji knew that they had to use their powers for good, to bring people together and help them express themselves in new and exciting ways. And so, Emoji set out to create a standardized system that would allow people to use their superpowers no matter what device or platform they were using.

It wasn't an easy task, but emoji were up to the challenge. With the help of their friends at the Unicode Consortium, Emoji created a system that would allow developers and device manufacturers to use a single encoding system for all emoji. They worked tirelessly, adding new emoji to the system and refining the design of existing ones.

As time went on, Emoji's superpowers continued to grow. They became more diverse, representing a wider range of human experiences and cultures. And with every new addition, Emoji brought people closer together and helped them express themselves in ways they never thought possible.

And so, we have Emoji to thank for revolutionizing digital communication and giving us a new way to express ourselves. They evolved from humble emoticons, but they became superheroes in their own right, helping people all around the world connect and communicate like never before.

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Light Bulb Moji filled with variety of Open Moji emojis -All emojis designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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