Emoij-A-Day theme with Green Salad emoji and Community Power Plates Spotify Playlist

Community Plates 🥗 - Celebrating Healthy Choices & People Power ✊️ (Emoji-A-Day)✨

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We all have our 'salad days', those times when choices are fueled by passion more than experience. Even the wisest among us learned through those youthful mistakes. Today's Emoji-A-Day post shines a light on Let's All Eat Right Day and the Filipino People Power Revolution, showing how true nourishment comes from a mix of youthful energy and those who've walked the path longer. Change needs BOTH, and that's the recipe for a stronger community! 💪

Even the smallest choices add up. That's how we fuel movements that reshape the world. We cannot all be famous icons or global leaders. But we can all choose to be everyday leaders in our communities. 🌟

Knowing what matters to you, and letting your voice and your daily actions reflect that has major impact on the world immediately around you. It also help to grow community and comraderie, so a peaceful resistance is needed, you are health and not alone. 🤝 

Just like a garden needs diversity to thrive, so do our communities. Check out these amazing facts and delicious trivia! 😋

    • Community Gardens Sprout Change - Did you know community gardens increase access to fresh produce, build stronger neighborhoods, AND reduce crime rates? They're powerful examples of people working together for the common good. 🏡🌱

    • People Power in the Philippines - During the 1986 People Power Revolution, millions of Filipinos peacefully protested against a corrupt government. Their unity and courage led to major reforms and restored democracy! ✊🏽 

    • Unity Matters - The Filipino People Power Revolution lasted just four days! It proves that when a community is united for change, things can shift FAST. ❤️‍🔥⌛
    •  Health = Strength - Eating enough protein builds muscle, which isn't just about the gym. It gives you the everyday strength to stand tall for your beliefs. 💪

    • Eat the Rainbow for Energy - Fruits and veggies of all colors are packed with vitamins that boost your energy levels. Think of each meal as a chance to fuel your body AND your fight for a better world! 🌈🌎

    • Access = Equality - When everyone has access to nutritious food, healthcare, and education, our communities are stronger. We must address inequality to build a more just future for our communities. 🥑🍚🥭🏫⚕️

    • Food Fuels Your Focus - Eating well isn't just about physical health, it keeps your mind sharp too! A balanced diet helps you concentrate and think critically, which is key when you're working for change. 🧠 🥗

    • Access for All - In some countries, children get their ONLY nutritious meal of the day at school. A full belly means a mind ready to learn, and future leaders ready to fight injustice. 🍎 

    • Equality is Key - Studies show that when women and girls have equal access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunity, the whole community thrives. 🗽⚖️ 

    • Your Voice Matters - Every great movement had a soundtrack! Music has the power to unite people from all walks of life behind a common cause. 🎤 

Bonus Bytes
    • Mentorship Matters - Seeking out advice from those with more experience is a sign of strength, not weakness. Just like generations of Filipinos have passed down knowledge, mentorship (formal and informal) helps us build on the progress of those who came before. 🤝 ➡️
    • Think Global, Act Local - Did you know that 1/3 of food produced globally is wasted each year? There are likely groups in YOUR community fighting food insecurity, and they need your help! 🆘


~ Let food be thy medicine, they medicine shall be thy food ~

- Hippocrates

~ One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well ~

- Virginia Woolf

~ I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples ~

- Mother Teresa


Moji Challenge Prompt

➡️ Emoji Power-Up: My Plate, My Power 🥗✊️
  • The Concept - Nourish your body, fuel your passions! Design a balanced meal that represents your values and the change you want to see in the world.

    • Healthy Plate Basics - Provide a simple diagram OR a link to a resource on balanced eating. This is key for those with less nutrition knowledge.
    • Symbol of Change - Choose an emoji OR a simple drawing that represents a cause you support. (Ex: 🥗 for healthy living,✊️peaceful protesting, 🏡 community garden🌎 for environmentalism, ☮️ for peace, etc.)
    • The Power Combo - Place your chosen symbol on/around the plate image. This visually shows how fueling yourself fuels your ability to make change. 💚

          Share & Inspire! 📸 With an image or photo of your design, include a short sentence about why this cause matters to you, and how eating well gives you the strength to fight for it. Tag your community and encourage them to think about their #PowerPlate. Don't forget to tag us!📱 #MojiChallenge

          • Moji Magic 🪄

            Community Power Plates in Action. Feature your #PowerPlate design on a poster/flyer, magnet, bumper sticker, or tee. Head to our Moji Customizer and to upload your design and customize it with a name, quote, or tagline. #PowerPlate

          • Moji Mashup 🥗 + 🌟 = ? 
            In this Moji Mashup we paired the Green Salad 🥗 emoji with the Glowing Star 🌟 emoji to share healthy choices! Check out our Facebook or head on over to Pinterest to see our final creationg from the Google Emoji Kitchen today! 💚

          • Green Salad on Emojipedia 🥗
            Dig into the green salad description, the tech origin details, and unique emoji design versions across different platforms at Emojipedia, the ultimate emoji encyclopedia! 📚📲

          • Playlist -  From protest anthems to songs of unity, this Community Power Plates Playlist nourishes your fighting spirit. Get inspired to stand up, work together, and celebrate the power of a world where everyone has a voice – and a full plate 🎵

            • Bayan KO (My Country) - Freddie Aguiilar
              This Filipino protest anthem filled the streets during the People Power Revolution. It became a symbol of both heartbreaking struggle and unyielding hope for freedom. ✊️➡️🕊️ 
            • Get Up, Stand Up - Bob Marley & The Wailers   The OG anthem for fighting for what you believe in. Your voice matters, use it! ✊

            • We Are Family - Sister Sledge
              Differences aside, we're all connected. Shared goals bring greater change than going it alone. ❤️

            • We Didn't Start the Fire - Billy Joel
              History matters. Learn from those who came before, break the cycle of injustice. 🔥
            • The Times They Are A Changin' - Tracy Chapman, Bob Dylan
              A new generation means a new chance to make things right. Embrace that youthful energy! 🌪️
            • Give Peace a Chance - Aerosmith, Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars
              From protest to solutions. Working together is how we create a peaceful future for all. 🙏
            • Come Together - Daphne Willis
              Finding common ground is key. Diverse voices, united purpose – THAT'S the power of a movement. 🙌 

            • Happy Together - Simple Plan
              Younger generations help us enjoy the simple joys of collaboration. You find unexpected allies in your community! 😊 

            • Coconut - Harry Nilsson
              Good food brings us together... think of dishes that spark joy for you, no matter how silly! 🥥 

            • The Avocado Song - Alton Eugene  Playful reminder that eating well is key to having the energy to make a difference. 🥑

            • Mango - The Vegetable Plot 
              Expanding your palate = expanding your worldview. Openness to new flavors reflects openness to new ideas!  🥭
            • Localvore - Nature Jams 
              Where your food comes from MATTERS. Supporting local growers strengthens the whole system. 🥗 

            • That's What Friends Are For - Bert & Ernie, Sesame Street
              Wisdom isn't just about age. Mentors and mentees of all kinds build a brighter future, together. 🫂

          Ready to Change YOUR Community? 💥
          It starts with simple choices, and the strength to see them through. Whether it's a healthy meal, a helping hand, or standing up for what's right, let these beats fuel your journey. The best Community Power Plates have room for everyone—keep adding your voice to the mix! 📢 🎶

          Wrappin' Up
          Whether it's the bold flavors of youth or the tried-and-true knowledge that comes with age, we need every single voice at the table to keep our communities strong. Let's honor our 'salad days', learn from them, and work TOGETHER to create a world where everyone's plate is full. 🙌 

          See ya tomorrow for another Emoji-A-Day adventure where we keep learning, creating, and discovering together! Believe in yourself – we sure do! ✨

          🤳 COMMENT & SHARE 📲
          Want to weigh in? 💌 Tag us and use #MojiMosaic for a chance to be featured in future Emoji-A-Day posts! Spread the good vibes! ☮️🖖❤️😊

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          Emoji-A-Day™ uses emoji, awareness days, music, and art challenges as universal elements to weave mosaics that bring us together in shared experiences.
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          Light Bulb Moji filled with variety of Open Moji emojis -All emojis designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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